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Running an independent insurance agency is difficult work.  It’s easy to feel like you are on an island by yourself trying to handle management, operations, HR, training, sales and strategic planning.  You are not alone!  We are here to help and support our members offering hands on consulting services. We excel beyond other insurance associations by providing one-on-one consultative services with our experienced team.

Insurance Technical Consulting Services 

Need help with a complex claim situation? Trying to compare different policies? Trying to figure out whether a policy meets your client's insurance requirements for subcontractors? We can help with that.

Timothy Dodge, AU, ARM, CPCU
AVP of Research & Information
800.962.7950 EXT: 229

Operational Services 

There are a number of services we can provide to assist you. Whether you need an E&O website review, a virtual E&O audit, an operational agency evaluation, help adopting new technology or updating your workflows and procedures, we have your back!

Virtual Agency Solution

We also offer a FREE Operational Evaluation!