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Trusted Choice



Trusted Choice® is the national marketing brand created exclusively for Big I members to help consumers understand the value that an independent agent offers: choice, customization, and advocacy.

Designed to help agents compete against companies with deep advertising pockets, it's benefits are available exclusively to members. As an independent agent, you bring something special to the table. Something unique and valuable.  You know that. We know that. But consumers need help understanding that difference.  Enter Trusted Choice. 

Trusted Choice® is designed to enhance your agency branding efforts and advertising, not take the place of it. Using the Trusted Choice® logo positions you as a premiere agent and conveys a level of intregity, trust, and expertise. Think of the Good Housekeeping "Seal of Approval." That's what Trusted Choice® is to the insurance industry. So what are you waiting for? Start co-branding your agency today!

Co-brand your agency today! Contact us to help get started.

New: Google Business Page Guide

Webinar on-demand:
4 Trusted Choice Tools You're Crazy to Ignore

Logos & Brand Guidelines

Downloadable logos in different formats for you to use!

Shareable Content

Articles, infographics, video content and more!


Training modules to help improve your agency.

Ad Campaigns

Customizable ads for you and your agency!

Referrals helps you compete in the digital world.

Reimbursement Program

You can get money for your agency just by using the Trusted Choice brand!

Pledge of Performance

Your pledge to your clients, as a Trusted Choice independent insurance agent.

Trusted Choice Website

Visit the website for all of these amazing tools and resources, plus more!


  • Trusted Choice® content aired on CNBC primetime television in January 2018. Watch the advertisments here!
  • Big I NY has already uploaded sharable videos, so you can easily share them via your personal or company Facebook page. Start sharing them now!