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Become a Member

Group of 100

A select group of our most dedicated advocates...

Who is G100?
We are a
 distinguished group united on the front lines for the future of the industry.

The Group of 100 (G100) is Big I New York’s core group of one hundred or more grassroots advocates dedicated to advancing legislative goals that affect independent insurance agencies in NY. 
G100 members are ambassadors across the state, responsible for building strong relationships with local lawmakers and engaging in legislative and political advocacy.


Already a Member?

Access your resources here.

As agents, it’s our responsibility to fight to protect and grow the independent agency system and stand up for our customers. The Group of 100 is how we take that fight to the halls of Albany & Washington DC."

- Ron Brunell, CHairman of G100

Interested in becoming a member?  Here's what you need to know:

Am I qualified to be a G100 member?

G100 is open to everyone, but it's not for everyone. You don’t need to be an expert in politics or policy. You must simply possess a passion for standing up for your agency and customers and be an active member of Big I NY.  You can easily meet the membership expections with a commitment of about 6.5 hours a year, though you'll have the opportunity to do much more if you choose.

What are the benefits of being a G100 member?

Pride. Impact. Relationships.
You'll have the pride of being part of a select community of politically active agents, the impact of sharing the voice of IAs, and the opportunity to build relationships with your local elected officials.

Members will get first priority at opportunities to represent Big I NY at select functions and events, such as political fundraisers, policy forums, and public hearings. Your voice will be elevated and your distinctive lapel pin will signify membership and recognition.

What are the responsibilities of a G100 member?

You're asked to commit to a one year term, which you may extend indefinitely as long as membership expectations are met. Members are provided with advocacy training, materials, and updates on Big I NY issues and grassroots campaigns.  You won’t be in this alone. We’ll provide you everything needed to make the biggest impact while keeping the time commitment minimal.

Annual Membership Expectations:

  1. Become familiar with and stay up to date on Big I NY legislative issues and campaigns.
  2. Take action on at least 80% of all Big I NY email and phone advocacy campaigns, and drive participation in these campaigns among your colleagues and peers.
  3. Attend at least two meetings with state legislative officials.
  4. Raise or contribute a minimum of $100 to the state and/or federal political action committee.
  5. Act with integrity, honesty, and respect.



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