WELCOME TO A NEW ERA: New Level Partners is now My Agency Campus!
Providing new hire training to agents like you for years, My Agency Campus (formerly New Level Partners) has become a premier learning solution for starting your team member on the right track. Success or failure comes from how you onboard and train your new hire, and as your needs continue to evolve, so do the ways they connect you to training.
What My Agency Campus provides is convienent and high quality - all at an affordable price. And as an added bonus, our members love them! Since their beginning, over 100,000 courses have been accessed!

Risk Solutions IQ - Case Study Learning on Coverage and Risk
Risk Solutions IQ is a comprehensize and interactive Learning & Development experience for P&C professionals to develop participants' risk assessment and coverage knowledge with practical, skill-based learning.
Risk Solutions IQ Virtual Learning Programs run frequently during the year - designed for high-interactivity, learning groups of 8-15 participants are targeted to maximize learner engagement.