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Government & Regulations


Grassroots Advocacy

From legislative matters to company initiatives, Big I NY has your back in Albany & Washington D.C.

Our 12,000+ members are powerful advocates for their profession and their customers! From in-person meetings with lawmakers, phone, email, and petition campaigns,
YOU have the power to help drive positive change locally and nationally. 

Get Involved Today!

Grassroots Action Center

Contact your elected officials on our advocacy issues

Position Paper

Learn more about our current legislative issues

Grassroots Toolkit

Best practices for grassroots advocacy

Group of 100

Want to take it to the next level? Join the G100, our group of the most dedicated grassroots advocates!

Government Affairs Committee

Get in the weeds on issues facing IAs and their customers, and help guide our position on legislative and regulatory issues

Advocacy Blog

Read the latest updates from Albany and D.C.

Political Action Committees

Help us support state and federal candidates who understand and appreciate the value of our industry

In-District Legislative Meetings

An opportunity to join your fellow agents inface to face meetings with key elected officials and make the case for pro-consumer legislation.


TWTravis Wattie
AVP of Government Relations
800.962.7950 EXT: 212