Government Affairs Committee
Government Affairs Committee
Are you interested in the laws and regulations that affect our industry? Want to be involved in Big I NY's crucial legislative, regulatory, and political work?
Consider joining our Government Affairs Committee!
| We want YOU to join our Government Affairs Committee!Objective: The Government Affairs Committee advises Big I NY staff and lobbyists on legislative and regulatory issues, and assists in the execution of grassroots campaigns and fundraising for Political Action Committees.Composition: The committee is led by Travis Wattie, Big I NY's Government Relations staff member. A volunteer chair may also be selected to co-manage the committee. The committee consists of the staff lead and 3-24 volunteer members Meetings: The committee meets virtually once a month, with additional calls on as-needed basis. Expected Time Commitment: Members should expect to commit one hour per month for meeting. Members are also highly encouraged to participate in Big I NY's grassroots activities, which include: - Attendance at the National Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.
- In-person or virtual meetings with NY state and federal lawmakers
- Taking action on all email and call-in campaigns.
Term: Committee members are expected to commit to a minimum of one year on the committee, however there is no maximum limit to the length of service on the committee.
Questions?Lisa Lounsbury CAE, AAI, AISPresident & CEO 800.962.7950 EXT: 230 |