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If you are looking for:Agency CRM, Website and Management System


Who We Are

itc_nav_logo.jpgLearn more about how ITC can help you grow your agency through the country's number one insurance agency website solution, automated agency marketing, agency and online comparative rating, and an agency management system designed for how you run your agency

Laird Rixford, Don Hobdy Jr., Justin Costa and George Robertson look forward to speaking with you.

About ITC

Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), founded in 1983, provides marketing, rating and management software and services to the insurance industry, including independent agents and insurance carriers. Headquartered in Carrollton, Texas, ITC helps its customers across the United States grow their businesses and become more efficient through the philosophy of providing quality software and services. Currently, ITC serves more than 200 insurance companies and more than 6,000 agencies.

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